Help for Parents in Quebec

The West Montreal Readaptation Centre has a program designed for parents with learning difficulties. They offer parent training and support.

Call 514 363-3025 for more information

Are you worried about your health or that of someone close to you?Do you want to know if you should go to an emergency room, a health and social services centre (CSSS) or go to a clinic to receive care?

Call 8-1-1 and speak directly to a health professional: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Legal aid is a government legal service offered to people who meet certain financial eligibility criteria and apply for the service.

Find the Legal Aid Office closest to you HERE

Crisis Hotlines

Quebec National Crisis Line: If you or someone close to you is in distress, call toll free, anywhere in Quebec. Open 24/7
1-866-APPELLE (277-3553)

Domestic Violence Hotline: Provides anonymous and confidential domestic violence services via telephone or email. 24 heures sur 24 / 7 jours sur 7

Click HERE for a list of local crisis centers across Quebec